24 - 22
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

42 - 12
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Bradford Bulls

10 - 24
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Halifax Panthers

36 - 20
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs York City Knights

20 - 24
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Featherstone Rovers

18 - 16
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Swinton Lions

44 - 8
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Barrow Raiders

20 - 26
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Sheffield Eagles

28 - 10
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Swinton Lions

23 - 22
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Barrow Raiders

24 - 4
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Batley Bulldogs

12 - 20
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Wakefield Trinity

29 - 10
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Halifax Panthers

14 - 20
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

14 - 20
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Swinton Lions

42 - 6
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Doncaster RLFC

18 - 10
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Batley Bulldogs

14 - 24
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Bradford Bulls

16 - 42
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Sheffield Eagles

6 - 24
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Widnes Vikings

15 - 14
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs York City Knights

19 - 12
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

40 - 14
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Halifax Panthers

4 - 46
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Featherstone Rovers

12 - 25
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Batley Bulldogs

4 - 22
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Sheffield Eagles

15 h 00
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Halifax Panthers

27 - 20
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Dewsbury Rams

6 - 50
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Wakefield Trinity

40 - 4
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Whitehaven RLFC

25 - 14
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Bradford Bulls

14 - 34
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Wakefield Trinity

0 - 46
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Sheffield Eagles

50 - 22
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Dewsbury Rams

32 - 24
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Widnes Vikings

6 - 38
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Doncaster RLFC

28 - 12
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

38 - 12
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Dewsbury Rams

22 - 18
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs York City Knights

24 - 28
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Featherstone Rovers

12 - 28
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Swinton Lions

13 - 14
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Widnes Vikings

54 - 0
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Barrow Raiders

10 - 36
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Wakefield Trinity

21 - 38
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

36 - 16
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Halifax Panthers

16 - 36
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Whitehaven RLFC

12 - 38
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Bradford Bulls

16 - 14
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Doncaster RLFC

15 h 00
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Batley Bulldogs

24 - 14
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Batley Bulldogs

38 - 16
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Barrow Raiders

46 - 22
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Swinton Lions

28 - 28
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Whitehaven RLFC

40 - 18
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Halifax Panthers

26 - 0
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Batley Bulldogs

12 - 46
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Featherstone Rovers

28 - 10
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Sheffield Eagles

36 - 13
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Dewsbury Rams

28 - 20
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Widnes Vikings

34 - 8
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Doncaster RLFC

21 - 20
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Bradford Bulls

6 - 30
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Wakefield Trinity

22 - 30
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs York City Knights

25 - 12
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Featherstone Rovers

56 - 0
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Dewsbury Rams

24 - 38
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

31 - 18
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Sheffield Eagles

25 - 25
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Whitehaven RLFC

40 - 42
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Swinton Lions

18 - 22
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Widnes Vikings

36 - 24
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Barrow Raiders

52 - 0
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Doncaster RLFC

28 - 38
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Halifax Panthers

0 - 40
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs York City Knights

18 - 16
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Featherstone Rovers

18 - 36
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Bradford Bulls

16 - 20
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Batley Bulldogs

18 - 20
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Wakefield Trinity

0 - 36
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

46 - 24
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Halifax Panthers

38 - 4
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Doncaster RLFC

24 - 34
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs York City Knights

38 - 12
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Dewsbury Rams

30 - 21
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Widnes Vikings

10 - 24
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Barrow Raiders

20 - 0
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Featherstone Rovers

12 - 38
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Bradford Bulls

10 - 18
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Sheffield Eagles

38 - 18
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Whitehaven RLFC

18 - 8
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Swinton Lions

16 - 24
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Batley Bulldogs

0 - 36
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Wakefield Trinity

28 - 0
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Halifax Panthers

12 - 12
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Bradford Bulls

16 - 20
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Doncaster RLFC

34 - 12
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Batley Bulldogs

66 - 0
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Whitehaven RLFC

24 - 12
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Widnes Vikings

54 - 12
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Barrow Raiders

24 - 34
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

27 - 0
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Doncaster RLFC

2 - 14
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Wakefield Trinity

6 - 14
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Featherstone Rovers

22 - 34
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Swinton Lions

34 - 12
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Dewsbury Rams

22 - 2
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Barrow Raiders

32 - 4
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Wakefield Trinity

12 - 24
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Doncaster RLFC

36 - 28
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs York City Knights

29 - 22
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Dewsbury Rams

20 - 22
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Whitehaven RLFC

20 - 24
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Widnes Vikings

8 - 6
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Sheffield Eagles

58 - 6
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Dewsbury Rams

16 - 22
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Halifax Panthers

46 - 18
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Featherstone Rovers

78 - 24
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Whitehaven RLFC

34 - 4
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Swinton Lions

25 - 6
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Bradford Bulls

37 - 30
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Barrow Raiders

4 - 48
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

38 - 18
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs York City Knights

16 - 42
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Wakefield Trinity

24 - 16
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Batley Bulldogs

22 - 20
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Doncaster RLFC

12 - 24
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Widnes Vikings

24 - 24
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Bradford Bulls

42 - 6
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Sheffield Eagles

20 - 18
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

54 - 12
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights vs Dewsbury Rams

58 - 0
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Whitehaven RLFC

26 - 6
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Swinton Lions

0 - 8
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Featherstone Rovers

38 - 12
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Barrow Raiders

14 - 24
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Batley Bulldogs

12 - 20
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs York City Knights

21 - 22
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Featherstone Rovers

28 - 24
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs Doncaster RLFC

20 - 6
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Halifax Panthers

36 - 12
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Widnes Vikings

24 - 31
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Barrow Raiders

22 - 10
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

6 - 48
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Wakefield Trinity

4 - 18
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Bradford Bulls

10 - 18
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams vs Whitehaven RLFC

35 - 20
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs Sheffield Eagles

20 - 18
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Swinton Lions

37 - 6
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights v Batley Bulldogs

14 h 50
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster v Widnes Vikings

54 - 0
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Dewsbury Rams

32 - 12
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Sheffield Eagles

16 - 17
Eco-Power Stadium

Doncaster RLFC vs Halifax Panthers

0 - 40
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC vs York City Knights

0 - 60
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Wakefield Trinity

8 - 12
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Widnes Vikings

36 - 18
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Barrow Raiders

24 - 36
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders vs Toulouse Olympique XIII

34 - 6
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers vs Dewsbury Rams

0 - 38
The Fox's Biscuit Stadium

Batley Bulldogs vs Doncaster RLFC

15 h 00
Olympic Legacy Park

Sheffield Eagles vs Bradford Bulls

60 - 6
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity vs Whitehaven RLFC

28 - 8
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions vs Featherstone Rovers

6 - 12
DCBL Stadium Halton

Widnes Vikings vs York City Knights

12 - 30
Sheffield Olympic Legacy Stadium

Sheffield Eagles v Bradford Bulls

18 h 00
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique XIII vs Halifax Panthers

15 h 00
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity v York City Knights

15 h 00
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls vs Batley Bulldogs

15 h 00
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers vs Sheffield Eagles

15 h 00
Northern Competitions Stadium

Barrow Raiders v Whitehaven RLFC

15 h 00

Dewsbury Rams v Swinton Lions

19 h 30
Sheffield Olympic Legacy Stadium

Sheffield Eagles v York City Knights

18 h 00
DCBL Stadium

Widnes Vikings v Toulouse Olympique

18 h 00
Millennium Stadium

Featherstone Rovers v Dewsbury Rams

19 h 30
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity v Barrow Raiders

15 h 00
The Shay Stadium

Halifax Panthers v Bradford Bulls

15 h 00
Fox's Biscuits Stadium

Batley Bulldogs v Whitehaven RLFC

15 h 00
Heywood Road

Swinton Lions v Doncaster RLFC

18 h 00
Stade Ernest-Wallon

Toulouse Olympique v Batley Bulldogs

14 h 43
Flair Stadium

Dewsbury Rams v Sheffield Eagles

15 h 00
The Diy Kitchens Stadium

Wakefield Trinity v Doncaster RLFC

15 h 00
LNER Community Stadium

York City Knights v Featherstone Rovers

15 h 00
LEL Arena

Whitehaven RLFC v Halifax Panthers

15 h 00
Odsal Stadium

Bradford Bulls v Swinton Lions